US vaccines trends and strategies for manufacturers


Research Contributors: Avninder Srivastava, Shruti Goyal, Tanu Johari

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Since 2020, there has been considerable change and upheaval in the US vaccine landscape, both as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors including emerging technologies and shifting ACIP priorities. Manufacturers aiming to commercialize novel vaccines will need to contend with this evolved landscape and have a full appreciation for current and future success factors.

In this work, we detail our observations on how the US vaccine landscape has evolved as well as our hypotheses regarding near-term future evolution. We also provide commentary on implications for novel vaccine launches and suggest strategic imperatives for maximizing success potential based on the authors’ collective vaccine advisory experience over the past 25 years.


The vaccines landscape in the US has experienced considerable change since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these changes were clearly related to COVID-19 itself, while for others the causes are more opaque and varied. Changes have and will continue to impact a variety of stakeholders in the complex vaccination ecosystem, from regulators and governmental bodies to providers to consumers. In this white paper, we detail future vaccination trends in the US as well as potential implications for manufacturers seeking to launch new vaccines in the US. The trends we have identified are:

  1. Increasing consumer engagement in vaccination and but waning brand-level awareness
  2. Increasing consumer vaccine hesitancy and declining overall vaccination rates
  3. Shift in sites of adult vaccinations
  4. Greater scrutiny on vaccine cost and cost effectiveness
  5. Increasingly crowded adult schedule on top of already-crowded pediatric schedule driving to combination products
  6. Continued focus on convenient vaccine presentations

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